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The Center for Victims of Torture is Saddened at Death of Senator Dianne Feinstein

Published September 29, 2023

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) today issued this statement on hearing of the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein.

“We are saddened to learn of the death of Senator Dianne Feinstein, who was an unstoppable force behind disclosure of the CIA use of torture after the attacks of September 11. Under her leadership as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a comprehensive report on the torture program was produced by Daniel Jones, showing in detail, across 6,700 pages, the full extent of the use of torture by the CIA and the steps to cover it up. The torture program had profound consequences for its victims, for U.S. national security and for the United States’ reputation in the world, and Senator Feinstein worked tirelessly to expose the truth and right these wrongs.

“She also worked closely with the late Senator John McCain to release in 2015 an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2016 which was designed to strengthen the prohibition on torture and ensure that the United States never again use torture. This McCain-Feinstein amendment was heralded as a clear signal that the United States would never again engage in torture.

“For those of us who work to heal the wounds of torture and eradicate its use, Dianne Feinstein was a hero for her dedication to the truth about torture and commitment to accountability. We are grateful for her legacy, her action and her determination.” -Dr. Simon Adams, CVT president and CEO


The Center for Victims of Torture is a nonprofit organization with offices in Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Uganda, United States and additional project sites around the world. Visit

Read more about the CIA torture program here.

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