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Expert Voices

Women Helping Women by Sharing Power and Hope

By Ansam Taleb Abu Sabha, Senior Physiotherapist
Published March 7, 2023
Art depicting the Ansam mountain.

International Women’s Day 2023

What are the connotations of the word “Power?” It is a difficult question with many answers, and everyone will answer this question from their own perspective. Power means to act with great strength and the capacity to take actions or accomplish something, and to never lose hope because storms make people stronger and never last forever.

This question was answered by my client as she was exposed to major stressful situations. She had not been in touch with her family for as many as 17 years, her husband went missing, and she was the sole and principle earner for two dependents, her kids. Despite these tense situations, she was like a mountain, strong enough to provide support for herself, kids and people around her.

She was also a cancer survivor. “Life is too short and fragile, and all it takes is a simple moment to change everything you have taken for granted,” the client told me. She focused on what matters: to recover and overcome cancer. And not only did she combat cancer but she also immersed herself in providing support to cancer patients.

For this client, power is potency, capacity and ability to provide support. She harnessed her power to serve other women with cancer, and she tried to provide them with the support that she always needed.”

She came to CVT Jordan to continue her recuperation journey and to take care of herself because she said that self-worth was vital for her happiness. She said, “If you don’t feel good about yourself, it is hard to feel good about anything else.” She was committed to attending her sessions, to doing her home program exercises, and she shared what she learned from CVT with the cancer patients she supported. She was always keen on doing the exercises better and asking questions more broadly in order to ensure accuracy.

For this client, power is potency, capacity and ability to provide support. She harnessed her power to serve other women with cancer, and she tried to provide them with the support that she always needed. “Sometimes, all you need is stressful and challenging situations to get your adrenaline spiking to help you realize your potential,” the client said.

Her goals were to help people, especially women, to draw a smile to their faces and teach them how to be independent. She wanted to teach them to never lose hope, because hope is the light awaiting at the end of the tunnel despite all the dominant darkness.   

Ansam Taleb Abu Sabha
About The Author
Ansam Taleb Abu Sabha
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